Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Four Year Surgiversary.....

Today I am celebrating my 4 year surgiversary of my RNY Gastric Bypass! Looking back into my pre-op life I remember reading stories about what people were doing after weight loss surgery and imagining how my post op life would look.  I could not wait to start shedding my excess weight because it would solve so many of my issues.  Life would be good and Handful Harry would never show his ugly face again. I was morbidly obese/miserable and was convinced that the grass was greener on the other side because society told me I was outside of the norm.  It was my impression that being “normal” was the gold standard of happiness. 

I always knew that surgery was not the easy way out and that making a lifelong lifestyle change would be hard.  After all of my research, chatting in the forums and attending support group for 2-years I truly felt educated and prepared for life after surgery. 
I’ve come to realize that no matter how much I researched, investigated, talked to patients etc. nothing can fully prepare you for what happens mentally, physically and spiritually until you have gone through the process. 
This journey has introduced me to an amazing community of bariatric professionals and fellow patients who have given me a world of support.   I’ve learned that this is a very individual journey and part of my journey is discovering what works for me.
Things that ring true for me:
·         Handful Harry still shows his ugly head and I deal with him minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day

·         Size/Shape/Weight does not define who I am

·         My journey is personal,  I have to own it and do what works for me

·         I’m human, I make mistakes and I’m not perfect

·         Every day I have the opportunity to make healthy choices

I’m truly grateful for those of you who have touched my life and shared this journey with me.  If it wasn’t for you I would be the person I am today!  MUAH…  (((HUG)))