Daily Inspiration by Katie Jay:
Treat Yourself !
You have chosen a new way of life with WLS-a new way that isn’t supposed to include a lot of unhealthy eating. But as Halloween approaches, and other holidays follow close behind, your sense will be assaulted more and more with holiday treats. Are they really treats? When you look at a piece of candy and think, “Oh that looks good! One won’t hurt,” you are not contemplating treating yourself, you are contemplating sabotaging yourself.
If you really don’t want to eat things that are unhealthy for you around the holidays, think of the candy as the damaging force it really is. No matter how much we love it, sugar is NOT good for us. Eating candy is like digging a hole. One bite can be the first shovel-full of dirt. Do you really want to risk falling into that hole?
Action for the day:
Treat yourself by putting those unhealthy foods out of sight as best you can, and resolve to eat only satisfying, healthy foods today.