I am continually flabbergasted with the negative perception many magazines splash on the front cover in regards to weight loss surgery. It makes my heart sad to read so many articles that discredit weight loss surgery and the huge impact it can have on our health. Especially the comments like "Weight Loss Surgery is the easy way out". That is far beyond the truth.
Is weight loss surgery for everyone? Absolutely not.. Can people loose weight by participating in something like the Biggest Loser or making everyday lifestyle changes and choosing the non-surgical route? Definitely... Does this work for everyone? Absolutely not..
Here are some of my personal thoughts. How about not focusing so much on surgical vs. non-surgical and why one is better than the other. Let's think more about the individual person's needs and health issues. What's good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Weight loss surgery was the right personal choice for me and was not an easy decision. I commend each and everyone of you who have chosen to take control of your life and become a healthier person!
I'm looking forward to the day that a magazine like People etc. steps up and puts a non-celebrity, normal everyday weight loss surgery patient on the Front Cover and shares their successful personal weight loss journey!
A huge Thank You to our WLS community magazines like Obesity Help, WLS lifestyles, Obesity Action Coalition etc. for supporting us and sharing our stories!!