Monday, May 31, 2010

Step back and take a look

As I was reading a post today, from my friend Yvonne, who wrote about dealing with weight regain a lot of emotions came across me. She also talks about how the comment was made to her that she couldn't possibly know about regain because her life was perfect since she has maintained goal weight. She then goes on to talk about some of the struggles she faces in her daily personal life.

Some thoughts I'd like to share on this subject:

1. We all have a fear of weight regain at some point during our weight loss journey which is normal and expected. How we deal with that fear is individual.

2. Observing someone who has maintained their goal weight for a long period, in my opinion, should be viewed as an inspiration to all Bariatric patients.

3. Celebrate in your success and those fellow weight loss surgery friends around you!

4. Step back and take a look ~Remind yourself where you were before weight loss surgery and how far you have come.

5. Ask yourself what "Success" looks like to you and how do you take the steps to achieve it?

6. Remember that all of our weight loss journey's are personal and individual. Surround yourself with positive/supportive people and remove those who don't fit that criteria.

7. No one is perfect, we all have our own personal struggles and remember that when you look at someone and their outside appearance. Remember that it's what's inside who makes us who we are!

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